Vormuttertagsfeier in der „Alten Schäferei“

Veröffentlicht am 12.04.2011 in Veranstaltungen

Die traditionelle politische Vormuttertagsfeier des AsF-Kreisverbandes Coburg-Land findet am Samstag, den 7. Mai 2011 ab 14.30 Uhr in der Scheune des Gerätemuseums „Alte Schäferei“ in Ahorn statt. Ehrengast an diesem Nachmittag ist die Oberbürgermeisterin von Marktredwitz, Dr. Birgit Seelbinder. Die Moderation der Talkrunde übernimmt Landtagsabgeordnete Susann Biedefeld.

Die Einladung zu der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier. Den Rückmeldebogen hier.


Homepage SPD Coburg-Land


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I say wow that you posted this. Really, this seems like a loacilzed problem. In our department we answer the phone politely in this standard manner, Sterile Processing, this is Jim speaking, how may I help you? Our hospital does random telephone audits to ensure that the telephone etiquette is being followed. Oh and to eleviate to many people being interupted constantly we have what I call a bat phone. We take turns carrying the phone, it is the HOT LINE for the OR and all the wards/clinics. We ensure that it will be answered in 3 rings or less. In the Army I was taught if their is an issue identify it, come up with a solution, and then implement it.

Autor: Olesya, Datum: 01.09.2013, 17:02 Uhr



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